Write for Rights 2023 was a record breaker

Want to know the number of actions taken by Canadians in 2023?


actions taken

We are thrilled to report that Write for Rights 2023 was the most successful one ever! Support for Amnesty and the people we work for has sprung back to prepandemic levels – and beyond. Members and activists supported eleven different campaigns with their letter-writing and actions.

Nationwide, supporters organized and held more than 200 different events, mobilizing letter-writers with potlucks, games, music, poetry and art. Local venues from libraries to schools, homes to cafes became a beacon of hope whose light is shining around the world – letting prisoners and their families (and their oppressors) know that they have not been forgotten. 

Write for Rights 2023 received 118 mentions in the media – which is key to recruiting new supporters and campaigners in the future.

Our sincere thanks go to everyone who hosted, organized and participated in this record-breaking event.