707 results for 'protect the protest'

Anti-Black Racism

Canada: Hold police accountable for anti-Black racism

“… the Working Group is deeply concerned by the structural racism that lies at the core of many Canadian institutions and the systemic anti-Black racism that continues to have a negative impact on the human rights situation of [Black people in Canada]. .” ….[T]here is clear evidence...

Cracks in the “Canada Brand”: Corporate accountability during COVID-19

Cracks in the “Canada Brand”: profit before people creates high-risk conditions for communities made vulnerable by the pandemic  Workers’ concerns ignored at Canadian meat packing plants and hundreds made sick. Amazon employees fired for speaking out about conditions on warehouse floors....

Women’s rights and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating existing gender inequalities as lockdowns lead to higher rates of gender-based violence, less access to sexual and reproductive health services, increased unpaid care work, and much more. Not all women, girls, and gender diverse people are experiencing the...