707 results for 'protect the protest'


Pakistan: Investigate North Waziristan killings

The Pakistani government should immediately order an independent and effective investigation into the reported killing of at least three activists on Sunday, Amnesty International said today. Two parliamentarians affiliated to the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM) were leading a procession of...

Good News: Aasia Bibi, Merzoug Touati, World Press Freedom Day

Aasia Bibi, who experienced discrimination in Pakistan, has relocated to Canada. Merzoug Touati from Algeria is free! Members of the Urgent Action Network in Toronto participated in an action for World Press Freedom Day, and more… The city of Ottawa has a new resident: Aasia Bibi. The...

Imprisoned by the Occupation

Palestinians living in the occupied territories cannot get to work or school, or see their friends and family without feeling the disruptive effect of Israel’s military rule. It restricts the ability to farm their land, attend a protest, improve their homes, raise families, travel for medical...

Sudan: 10 human rights priorities for the transition

The Sudanese people have been protesting since December 2018 when they took to the streets to express their anger over rising costs of living and the decline of political freedom. Their pressure worked and on 11 April, Sudan’s military overthrew the National Congress Party (NCP) government,...