383 results for 'canada refugees'

Taking Action on Immigration Detention in Canada

June 20th is World Refugee Day, a day to honour and celebrate refugees from around the world. In Canada, thousands of people will continue to be incarcerated on immigration-related grounds, including people who are fleeing persecution, those seeking employment and a better life, and people who have...

Campaign Targeting Immigration Detention in Canada Builds Momentum

Since Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International launched the joint #WelcomeToCanada campaign in October 2021 calling on Canada to stop incarcerating immigration detainees in provincial jails, more than 5,000 people have written to the Government of British Columbia (BC) urging the province to...

Refugees Are Part of Our Communities

The Safe Third Country Agreement will be back in court on February 23rd, 2021.  The Federal Court has ruled that the agreement between the United States and Canada is unconstitutional and violates rights, but now the federal government is appealing that decision.  Refugee...