Human Rights Need You

Whether you have five minutes to take action right now or looking for a way to engage with others in your community, we encourage you to act in solidarity for human rights today.

Together, we are a powerful force demanding that everyone’s human rights be protected. Here’s what you can do!

Take online action

Sign and share our priority online petitions. Our petitions and urgent email actions are sent directly to decision-makers and create results. You can also create momentum for change after signing our actions by sharing our social media messages and responding to our invitations to get more involved. (Downloadable petitions available HERE)

Latest Online Petitions

Urgent Letter-Writing Actions

Amnesty International encourages supporters to write appeal letters directly to officials who are in a position to end a human rights violation and to write solidarity letters directly to people wrongfully detained or targeted for their human rights work.

Trainings, Workshops and Other Events

Resources for Activists

Resources for Amnesty activists, community groups, specialized teams and anyone tabling for Amnesty at school or community events. This is where you will find petitions for download and other materials for public outreach and engagement.

Resources for Educators

Free human rights education resources for use in classroom, home school, and community settings. Topics include climate justice, immigration detention in Canada, ending gun violence, letter writing, a guide on well-being for youth, and more. Some resources also in French.

Volunteer with Amnesty

New to Amnesty?

Fill out the following form so that we can get to know you a bit better. We will be in touch to direct you to one of our upcoming orientations!

Volunteer Leadership Opportunities

Support for your Activism


Essential tools, resources and training materials for organizers, campaigners and activists.


Upskill your activism with these short and snappy skills-based video courses.


Get funding for your activism projects! Amnesty International Canada has three funds
available to fund your work for human rights in your community. 


Vancouver Office
(by appointment only)
(604) 294-5160

Toronto (GTA) Regional Office
1992 Yonge St 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON
M4S 1Z7
(416) 363-9933

Ottawa National Office
312 Laurier Ave E.
Ottawa, ON
K1N 1H9
1-800-AMNESTY (1-800-266-3789)