Postcards, Petitions, and Banners for Campaigning to Support Threatened Land and Water Defenders in Latin America

Defenders of land, water and a healthy environment represent hope amid a climate crisis that affects us all. Latin America is the most dangerous region of the world to do this work. Defenders are literally under attack. They tell us that solidarity action from Canada is incredibly important to them and their communities.

This summer we invite you to speak up and create pressure on government authorities to guarantee protection.

‘Keep Hope Alive in Colombia’ banners
‘Keep Hope Alive in Colombia’ postcards

Another urgent priority this summer is mobilizing calls on Canada to ensure the ‘free trade’ deal it is negotiating with Ecuador doesn’t endanger Indigenous rights and the environment. Here is the print petition for tabling. Read our press release and watch our webinar with Ecuadorian women defenders to learn about what is at stake. Sign the e-action here to send a message immediately to Canada’s Trade Minister.

Thank you for all you do to protect the environment and environment defenders!