30 days for refugees – Day 18

What are you good at? You may find that one of your key skills is actually something you could share with refugees.

Do you speak another language? If there are refugees that need help with interpreting, you could volunteer your skills and make a vital difference.

Perhaps you are a teacher of your native language? It is crucial for refugees to learn the language in the country they want to settle in, so you could volunteer to teach them, even in the short-term.

Whatever your skills are – maybe you’re good at fixing bikes or cars, you enjoy cooking or sewing, or are really good with spreadsheets – you can volunteer this information to your local refugee support group and they can find a way of using your skills to benefit refugees.

Or if you don’t think you have a particular skill, but have some spare time and a willingness to help, tell your local refugee support group this and they will find a way for you to help. 
