Amnesty Canada to intervene in Supreme Court carbon pricing challenge today

Amnesty International will intervene today at the Supreme Court of Canada’s carbon pricing hearing. 

We firmly believe that without robust climate action at all levels of government, the climate crisis will continue to negatively impact a range of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, and disproportionately impact marginalized and vulnerable communities and groups.

Amnesty’s intervention at the Supreme Court today will emphasize the fundamental importance of Canada’s international human rights obligations and the need for these commitments to guide Canada’s climate action. We will argue that constitutional ambiguities with respect to division of powers between provincial and federal governments should be resolved in a way that both maximizes Canadian compliance with international obligations and facilitates provincial adherence to our obligations. 

You can watch the Supreme Court of Canada’s live webcast today.

The outcome of this case could have significant, long-lasting consequences for Canada’s present and future climate action. 

Amnesty International will be represented on a pro bono basis by Justin Safayeni and Zachary Al-Khatib with Stockwoods LLP.

For more information about Amnesty’s position:

Here is Amnesty’s legal brief.

Here is Amnesty’s Factum of the Intervenor.

Here is Amnesty’s public statement.

