Amnesty International and Quakers intervene in crucial Indigenous rights case

A case before the Supreme Court could mark an important turning point for the rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada. At stake is the right of the Tsilhqot’in Nation to own lands at the heart of its traditional territory in British Columbia.


Amnesty International and Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers) have joined together to urge the Court to seize this moment to give practical application to human rights standards affirmed in international law. This includes rights to lands and territories affirmed in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Read our joint statement on the case


Want to know more?


View a recording of the Supreme Court hearing

, Read the Amnesty/CFSC submission to the Supreme Court (Factum)

, Browse all of the documents filed with the Supreme Court on the case


, Photo: Chief Joe Alphonse of the Tsilhqot’in National Government spoke on the steps of the Supreme Court just before the November 7th hearing on the Tsilhqot’in title case got underway. © Amnesty International
