30 days for refugees – Day 15

Today, we want you to hear and share stories of refugees.

Whether you go along to a refugee group in your community and hear stories told there, or just read the many stories about refugees on UNHCR’s website, listen to people’s stories as this is the best way to understand the issues facing refugees.

The more you listen, the more you ask questions, the better you will understand refugees and see that these are just people in a really difficult situation.

And you might be surprised about how much you get from this experience.

AI member  Duncan, who has sponsored a Karen family in Canada, explains what he has learned from them: “It’s a cliché but they have given me far more than I have ever given them. And the pride they have in sharing their culture – whether someone comes from Syria or any war-torn country that we may not consider a hospitable place… I’m constantly amazed at the love and the joy in them, and how connected they still are to their country.”

Give refugees a chance to tell their stories and tell you what they know about Syria or Sudan or Thailand – and be prepared to be surprised.

Find out more about our #IWelcome refugees campaign. 
