Apple Protest for World Day Against Child Labour

“One bad Apple, spoils the whole bunch.”

On June 12, the hustle and bustle of the Grand Prix in Montreal did not stop dedicated Amnesty International activists from protesting on World Day against Child Labour. Outside of the Apple store in downtown Montreal, Amnesty activists chant Hey hey, Ho ho, End child labour today.” They wave their yellow signs asking one BIG question, “Do Apple phones contain child labour?”

These activists join Amnesty supporters in Madrid, Brussels, and Prague, as part of Amnesty’s global campaign to call Apple to investigate if their cobalt is mined by children. Cobalt is a key component in the rechargeable batteries that power our portable electronic devices like smartphones and laptops.

Half of the world’s cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where Amnesty International has documented adults and children as young as 7 working in hazardous conditions without any protective clothing or equipment. They risk their lives every times they go underground to mine this precious black rock.

Joining the Global day of action and our supporters in Montreal was Saili Shetty, Amnesty International’s Secretary-General. Salil spoke of Amnesty’s investigative research in the DRC, and the researchers spoke to 87 current and former cobalt miners, including 17 children. Children told Amnesty International they worked for up to 12 hours a day in the mines, carrying heavy loads to earn between $1 and $2 US a day.

“IPod, IPad. We’re all fighting mad.” As the chanting continues, French and English stickers are handed out on the busy streets of Montreal’s shopping district, while other pedestrians stop to sign petitions.

“Apple, Apple, your values don’t compute.” Amnesty International continues to call on Apple to investigate child labour in their phones.

Join us today in that call and take action. 

