Shell ruling a vital step toward justice for widows of the Ogoni 9

Ruling on Shell a ‘vital step towards justice’ for Nigerian widows

On May 1, the District Court of The Hague, Netherlands, issued an interim ruling in the case brought by Esther Kiobel and three other women with regard to Shell’s involvement in the unlawful arrest, detention and execution of their husbands by the Nigerian military.

It ruled in favour of the plaintiffs: the court does have jurisdiction over the case and that this should not be time barred.

The court also ruled that Shell should hand over some confidential internal documents to the plaintiffs’ lawyers, and that they would have the opportunity to examine witnesses. The court will address the substance of the case next.

This decision marks a vital step towards justice for Esther and the others and sends important message to other victims around the world who are seeking to hold powerful corporations to account but struggle to access justice.

READ our full statement on the ruling>>> 

LEARN more about Shell in the Niger Delta>>> and READ our 6-part blog series>>>

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