Show solidarity with land defenders in Guatemala

Photo: Solidarity image, with members of CCDA.

Attacks on defenders in Guatemala are rapidly escalating. In four short weeks seven human rights defenders have been killed. Three men from the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) and four men from the Campesino Development Committee (CODECA) were violently murdered.

It’s important we call on authorities to stop this wave of killingsbut also at times of crisis, the need to show meaningful solidarity with defenders becomes ever more necessary.

Steps you can take to show solidarity

1.      Write a message of solidarity and encouragement to show these brave activists that they are not alone or forgotten. The world is watching! You could make a card or drawing or simply hold up a sign as in the examples below. Take a close-up photo of yourself holding your solidarity message in English or Spanish and share it directly with the CCDA or CODECA:



Please copy emails to: and 



Send a solidarity tweet to CCDA: 

“Solidarity with land defenders of the CCDA: You are not alone! #Brave @CCDA_Guatemala @jimmymoralesgt @AIDefensorxs”

.@jimmymoralesgt Stop the Attacks against #Brave #DefendersUnderAttack in #Guatemala @CCDA_Guatemala @AIDefensorxs @AIBHRGuatemala @EmbCanGuatemala”


Send a solidarity tweet to CODECA: 
“Solidarity with the courageous defenders of CODECA! #Brave @GTCodeca @jimmymoralesgt @AIDefensorxs @AIBHRGuatemala”

.@jimmymoralesgt Stop the Attacks against #Brave #DefendersUnderAttack in #Guatemala @GTCodeca @AIDefensorxs @AIBHRGuatemala @EmbCanGuatemala”



Send a solidarity message to CCDA on Facebook

These are the names of the human rights defenders who were killed, in case you would like to personalize your message:

Jose Can Xol (CCDA)
Mateo Chamám Paau (CCDA)
Ramon Choc Sacrab (CCDA)

Send a solidarity message to CODECA on Facebook  

These are the names of the human rights defenders who were killed, in case you would like to personalize your message:

Florencio Pérez Nájera (CODECA)
Alejandro Hernández García (CODECA)
Luis Arturo Marroquin (CODECA)
Francisco Munguia (CODECA)


2.       Download and sign a print petition calling on the Guatemalan government to stop the attacks against courageous land, water and environmental defenders, such as those working for CODECA and the CCDA. Ask your friends and family to sign the petition and return it completed to: #430-319 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1T4 care of Tara Scurr, Amnesty Canada
Print Petition >>> 
3.      Send a Tweet to Guatemala’s new Attorney General;  María Consuelo Porras about the deadly attacks on CODECA and the CCDA.
“@MPguatemala Basta Ya! detenga ataques contra #valiente #DefensoresBajoAtaque e investigue asesinatos de miembros de @GTCodeca y @CCDA_Guatemala @AIDefensorxs @AIBHRGuatemala”

“@MPguatemala Enough is Enough! Stop attacks against #Brave #DefendersUnderAttack & investigate killings of @GTCodeca & @CCDA_Guatemala activists @AIDefensorxs @AIBHRGuatemala”


4. Add a Solidarity with Defenders frame on your Facebook profile picture. Add a link to this post as your photo caption to get more people involved!

Two teenagers smiling at the camera. 'Solidarity with Defenders' is written beneath the photo.


5. Learn more about business and human rights concerns in Guatemala by visiting our webpage: Guatemala: Don’t Undermine Our Rights >>> where you will find links to documentary films, reports and the latest urgent actions. 
Thank you for your solidarity with courageous land defenders in Guatemala! 


See solidarity messages below from social media with land and water defenders in Guatemala.


