Take Action for Amnesty Chair Taner Kiliç

After spending almost 8 months in jail on unjust charges, an Istanbul court ordered that Amnesty Turkey Chair Taner Kiliç be released on bail on January 31st. In unprecedented flip flop later that day the court overturned its decision and Taner was re-arrested and returned to detention as his friends, family and colleagues waited for him to be released. This is a cruel and disgraceful move by the Turkish government. Their continued crackdown on human rights defenders in Turkey is an affront to justice.

We need you to take action to help free Taner. Here is how you can get involved:


Sign and share our action demanding that Taner be released immediately and unconditionally


2. Organize in your community

Organise a protest outside the Turkish Consulate in your community or another public space; and share on social media using the hashtag #FreeTaner

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your public demonstrations and actions. Stencils can be created by cutting #FreeTaner out of a crazy carpet toboggan with an exacto knife, and the ‘paint’ is water with food coloring in a spray bottle. 

3. Let`s show our support on Twitter #FreeTaner

Take photographs with your loved ones, holding hands and/or embracing with the message #FreeTaner and targeting the Turkish Minister of Justice @abdulhamitgul

4. Learn more

Taner Kiliç, the Chair of Amnesty International Turkey, was taken into police custody on June 6 along with 22 other lawyers and charged three days later. Taner is wrongly accused of membership of the “Fethullah Gülen Terror Organization”, which the authorities blame for an attempted coup in July 2016. . Taner has done nothing wrong, and should never have been arrested.

5. Check out how people around the world are taking action to #FreeTaner:

