Take Action for Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi

17-year-old Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi has been called the ‘Rosa Parks of Palestine’. For years, she and her family have bravely stood up against the Israeli occupation of their land. But she now faces up to 10 years in prison over an altercation with Israeli soldiers.

We need you to take action to call for the release of Ahed Tamimi. Here is how you can get involved:


Sign and share our action demanding that Ahed be released immediately and unconditionally


2. Organize in your community

Organise a demonstration in your community or in a public space of relevance. Get your message across – maybe you could consider making a banner, a placard or photo-boards to amplify your messages? Coming together to create a banner, for example, can be a great way to engage people with have different skills and interests in participating in your action.

Key messages to share:

  • Call for the immediate release, of 17-year-old Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, who could face up to 10 years in prison.
  • Tell authorities to ensure that Palestinian children are not subjected to detention or imprisonment except in cases where it is demonstrably necessary and proportionate as a last resort for the shortest appropriate period of time.

3. Spread the word online

We can make a lot of noise using online tools and platforms. We can send targeted messages to authorities raising our concerns, and also raise awareness with friends, family and others in our communities by sharing links to actions and information about human rights cases.

Here are some social media hashtags you can use for taking action online: #FreeAhedTamimi #FreeAhed #Justice4Ahed #SolidarityWithNabiSaleh #Justice4NabiSaleh


Sample tweets to share:

Ahed Tamimi’s detention has sparked global outrage. But there are THREE HUNDRED FIFTY Palestinian children – as young as 12 years old – currently held in Israeli prisons and detention centres. #FreeAhedTamimi

Tell #Israel: Stop systematic abuse of children through military detention @IsraeliPM @AvigdorLiberman

#Israel must release 16 year old Ahed Tamimi without delay. #FreeAhedTamimi

Tell @IsraeliPM @AvigdorLiberman: NOTHING she has done justifies detention and a possible prison sentence for a child.

#Nothing that Ahed Tamimi has done can justify her detention and possible prison sentence. #FreeAhedTamimi

#350 Palestinian children are currently held in #Israeli prisons and detention centres.

#Palestinian children are routinely subjected to ill-treatment during arrest and interrogation by #Israeli forces.

4. Learn more

Read and share our recent press release – Israel: Release teenage Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi.
