Take Part in our #ToxicTwitter Action

It’s time to tell Twitter to end online violence and abuse against women now

Every day, women face violent threats, sexism, racism and more on Twitter. This abuse is flooding Twitter, forcing women out of public conversations – and at times, driving them off the platform. The abuse can be more intense for women of colour, women with disabilities; lesbian, bisexual, trans women, and non-binary people.

Read the research

Twitter recently said “we stand with women around the world to make their voices heard and their presence known”. But women aren’t buying it. Twitter isn’t putting their own rules on abuse and hateful conduct into practice, or showing us how they deal with abuse when it’s reported.

The CEO, Jack Dorsey, can’t allow this continue under his watch. With your help, we can all make sure Twitter becomes a safe space for movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp, and not a place where women are silenced out of fear of violence and abuse.

You can demand change. Without people like you Twitter wouldn’t exist.

Help end online abuse.

Jack is the man who can make sure Twitter takes online abuse seriously. Tweet him now and hold him to his word.

Tweet Jack by clicking on any of the tweets below. Not on Twitter? No Problem Click here to send Jack an email!

Rape threats, death threats, racist & sexist abuse silence women on @Twitter – and it’s still what’s happening on your #ToxicTwitter, @jack.

You want to know what’s happening, @Jack? #HereWeAre telling you that women are being harassed, abused & silenced on your #ToxicTwitter every single day with little being done about it. Solution: follow your own @Twitter rules

Women want to create revolutions on @Twitter, @Jack, but they’re shut down by #ToxicTwitter abuse.

Twitter claims to be a beacon of free expression but your failure @Jack to tackle #ToxicTwitter abuse is silencing women & risks silencing future generations

Women have little confidence that #ToxicTwitter will resolve the abuse that’s silencing them. #HereWeAre to tell you, it’s not just about healthy conversations, @jack. It’s ALSO about an effective reporting process that works for women.

Abuse of women on #ToxicTwitter is yet another reason why we need #MeToo, @Jack: Reporting can work but you need to consistently follow your own @Twitter rules – and tell us all how you do it.

Violence and abuse against women on Twitter has a detrimental effect on the right for women to express themselves freely, equally and without fear.

Instead of Twitter strengthening women’s voices, the violence and abuse women experience means that women are self-censoring what they post, limiting their interactions, or being driven off Twitter completely.
