Colombia: Amnesty International urges presidential candidates to make a commitment to human rights

Today Amnesty International sent an open letter to the presidential candidates in Colombia’s run-off election to express its main concerns regarding human rights in the country and urge the candidates to strengthen their commitment to this issue.
The organization believes that the country is at a historic juncture and that the next government’s commitment to guaranteeing the rights of segments of the population that have historically been affected by violence and ensuring the sustainability of the process of building lasting peace will be crucial.
Amnesty International considers it essential for the two remaining candidates in the 17 June elections to commit to: guaranteeing the human rights of Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Colombian communities; protecting human rights defenders; guaranteeing the rights of victims of the armed conflict to truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition; and ensuring that the state as a whole dismantles any paramilitary structures that still exist despite the demobilization processes that began in 2005.
The organization is calling for the candidates, during the remainder of the election campaign, to make clear, specific proposals regarding human rights and to commit to effectively implementing them as state policies.
Amnesty International spokespeople are available for interviews.
If you would like further information, contact Elizabeth Berton-Hunter, Media Relations 416-363-9933 ext 332
Read more:
Colombia: Open letter to the presidential candidates (Letter, 6 June 2018)

Colombia: Open letter to the presidential candidates

The Colombian state must address the structural causes of violence (News, 29 May 2018)

The Colombian state must address the structural causes of violence

Colombia: State must ensure participation in elections in areas where violence continues (News, 25 May 2018)

Colombia: State must ensure participation in elections in areas where violence continues