In anticipation of President Trump’s address tonight on his administration’s policies toward asylum-seekers and migrants at the border, Margaret Huang, executive director of Amnesty International, issued the following statement:
“The president’s persistent efforts to dehumanize asylum seekers at the border must no longer be enabled by any kind of federal support – period. His proposed wall is nothing more than a divisive symbol of fear and it should not be funded at all.
“The Trump Administration has done everything in its power to make the situation at the border as unbearable as possible. From forcing people to remain in an unsafe country, to deliberately slowing the process to a crawl, to detaining children for months on end, to unlawfully turning asylum-seekers away entirely, the U.S. has only increased the misery for people seeking protection.
“This is entirely a crisis of the administration’s own making. It’s time to stop the political posturing and get back to work to create policies that treat families with dignity, fairness and respect.”
This statement can be found at:
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