Responding to a NYT’s article that disclosed the use of software to spy on Mexican journalists and human rights defenders, Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas Director at Amnesty International, said:
“This new chilling evidence confirms that Mexican journalists and human rights defenders are a target of illegal practices designed to interfere and hinder their work. These findings are consistent with Amnesty International’s previous research and show a clear pattern of illegal use of technology in an attempt to control any criticism against those in power.”
“Journalists and human rights defenders constantly put their lives at risk in order to defend everybody’s rights and to inform the public. This is not a crime and surveillance into these activities is illegal and cannot be justified. These actions should be promptly and adequately investigated.”
In Mexico, journalists and human rights defenders are subjected to different types of harassment, threats and attacks, including illegal killings. Illegal surveillance is one of the tactics put in place against these groups. For further information: