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Responding to the announcement that the Saudi Arabian human rights organization Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA) is the 2020 recipient of the prestigious Dutch human rights award, the Geuzenpenning, Amnesty International Netherlands director Dagmar Oudshoorn said:
“This award recognizes the important work done by ACPRA members like Mohammed al-Qahtani, Abdullah al-Hamid and Mohammed al-Bajadi who have been in jail for years. This is a strong call from the Netherlands to release all of ACPRA’s founders and members from prison.”
“While Saudi Arabia has recently invested in expensive PR campaigns to improve its image, the continued detention of ACPRA members is one of the most telling examples of the true face of the Saudi authorities and its appalling human rights record.”
“This prestigious award is a reminder for the Dutch government and others to do everything within their power to ensure the release of all imprisoned human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia.”
The Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA) is a Saudi Arabian human rights non-governmental organisation created in 2009. ACPRA campaigned for the rights of prisoners in Saudi Arabia until its closure in March 2013. The organization was forcibly shut down by Saudi Arabian authorities and all of its founding members have been detained and sentenced to lengthy prison terms for their work.
The Geuzenpenning (‘Beggar Medal’) is a Dutch award given to persons or organizations who have fought for democracy and against dictatorship, racism and discrimination. It has been awarded annually since 1987 in the city of Vlaardingen.