66 results for 'berta caceres'

Honduras: Brave land and water defenders face dangerous new attacks

By Kathy Price, Amnesty International Canada’s Latin America campaigner It is a story of immeasurable courage and the lengths to which shadowy and not-so-shadowy forces will go in brazen attempts to extinguish it. The place is Honduras, a country of staggering poverty and a tiny minority with...

‘Politics of demonization’ breeding division and fear

RELEASED  WEDNESDAY 22 FEBRUARY 2017 (00.01 GMT)          Amnesty International releases its Annual Report for 2016 to 2017            Risk of domino effect as powerful states backtrack on human rights commitments            Salil Shetty, head of the global movement,...

We Defend the Land with Our Blood

Everyday across the globe, men, women and youth speak out in defence of the land and environment. They defend our planet and thanks to their work, we have clean air to breathe and water to drink.But in countries such as Guatemala and Honduras, territory, land and environmental rights defenders...