388 results for 'canada refugees'

How you can support refugees

Opening our arms to refugees   By Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada My heart burst when I saw the picture of the drowned body of 3 year old Alan Kurdi in his […]

How you can support refugees

Opening our arms to refugees  ,   , By Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada , , My heart burst when I saw the picture of the drowned body of 3 […]

Refugees Welcome Here

By Gloria Nafziger, Refugee Campaigner for Amnesty International Canada    Late Friday bombs exploded in Paris. People out for an evening of friendship and entertainment were gunned down without warning. Horror, […]

Refugees Welcome Here

By Gloria Nafziger, Refugee Campaigner for Amnesty International Canada  ,   , Late Friday bombs exploded in Paris. People out for an evening of friendship and entertainment were gunned down without […]