383 results for 'canada refugees'


Take Action for World Refugee Day

June 20th is World Refugee Day, a day to honour the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their homes. It is also a wonderful opportunity to join together to demand that Canada welcomes and upholds the rights of refugees. Fight Back Against the Safe Third Country Agreement The...

Mexico: 39 people die in migrant detention center fire

39 people have died in a fire on March 28 in a migrants’ detention center in Ciudad Juarez. 28 others were hospitalized. There are allegations that the center’s staff left the victims locked up after the fire started. We call on President Andrés López Obrador to immediately change course and...

Why Roxham Road crossing is really a problem

This article was written before the government expanded the Safe Third Country Agreement to apply not just at Roxham Road but across the entire border, including between official land ports of entry. Please refer to the Canadian Government’s website for the most recent information about the...


Can you imagine Mohamed Fahmy’s dread as 15 Egyptian security officers burst into his Cairo hotel room? Or his pain in solitary confinement? He was surrounded by insects and the freezing cold, without sunlight, exercise or care for his injuries. It’s hard to imagine the...

LGBTQI+ Afghans Need a Safe Way Out

Kimahli Powell (he/him) is the Executive Director of Rainbow Railroad and the Chair of Dignity Network. Rainbow Railroad is a global not-for-profit organization that supports LGTBQI+ people facing persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics.  Since...

Pride 2022 & Supporting LGBTI Rights During Conflict

January 7th marked an important moment for LGBTQ2S rights in Canada when the federal ban on conversion therapy officially came into effect. After years of advocacy from survivors and activists, Bill C-4 made it illegal to promote, advertise, benefit from, or subject another person to this harmful...