383 results for 'canada refugees'

Stop the silence: We need to tackle Turkey’s human rights crisis

By Alex Neve, Amnesty Canada Secretary General. Follow Alex on Twitter @AlexNeveAmnesty. As a human rights advocate you know you will not make everyone happy. Government officials, military leaders, armed groups and businesses all attract your scrutiny, criticism and suggestions for improvement....

Lebanon: Thousands at risk as Arsal security operation looms

  Responding to a statement by Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri announcing an imminent security operation in the outskirts of the town of Arsal, in northeast Lebanon, Lynn Maalouf, Middle-East Director of Research for Amnesty International said:   “It is of utmost importance for the...

EU: Draft Code for Sea Rescues Threatens Lives

  Leaked Document Would tie Non-Governmental Organisations’ Hands   Thousands more refugees and migrants could be at risk of dying at sea if a flawed code of conduct for nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) conducting search and rescue in the central Mediterranean is put into practice, Amnesty...

Legal challenge of Safe Third Country Agreement launched

The Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR), Amnesty International (AI) and the Canadian Council of Churches announced today that they are launching a legal challenge of the designation of the United States as a safe third country for refugees. “The US was never safe for all refugees, and is now even...

USA: Refugee Ban Could Have Devastating Effect

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 29, 2017   NEW YORK – The State Department today said that the Trump administration may not recognize refugee resettlement agencies as having “bona fide relationship” for purposes of its refugee ban implementation. The decision by the administration means tens of...

7 Ways to Prepare, and Fight Back: Supreme Court Muslim Ban Decision

AI USA provides the following information for those impacted by the Executive Order barring entry into the United States for people from six Muslim majority countries; Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Canadian citizens or dual nationals of these countries should not be affected by this...

#IWelcome: Help tear down the walls for asylum seekers with a tweet!

Send a tweet to leaders in the Americas and help tear down the walls for people seeking asylum Mexico and US, stop sending back people to violence in Central America. Instead say #IWelcome now! #WorldRefugeeDay — AmnestyCanada (@AmnestyNow) June 20, 2017 > LEARN MORE:  Listen to Facebook Live...