383 results for 'canada refugees'

One-Year of the French language Class on Human Rights (FCHR)

Junior Mandoko, far left, and Merryl David-Ismayil, front centre with some of their French students By Merryl David-Ismayil It all started with an experiment at Glendon College (York University), the unique bilingual College in Toronto. After realizing that numerous English-speaking students do not...

Why we need to keep our eyes on Chechnya

By Jackie Hansen, Major Campaigns and Women’s Rights Campaigner, Amnesty International Canada In early April, the courageous journalists at Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported that over a hundred men suspected of being gay had been abducted, tortured, and some killed in a coordinated...

Celebrating Refugee Rights

By: Marium Yousuf On a beautiful, crisp sunny day last weekend, Amnesty International, Sojurn House, Culture Link and the Centre for Victims of Torture held an event in Toronto to mark Canada’s Refugee Rights Day (April 4). The tone was deliberately celebratory, with performances from the Nai...

Help families torn apart by the travel ban

By Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada It is so important to understand the impact of President Trump’s travel ban. When the first Executive Order from the US President came into force in January, banning entry to the United States of nationals from seven Muslim-majority...

Help families torn apart by the travel ban

By Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada It is so important to understand the impact of President Trump’s travel ban. When the first Executive Order from the US President came into force in January, banning entry to the United States of nationals from seven Muslim-majority...

Refugee Rights in a Climate of Fear

By Gloria Nafziger: Refugee Coordinator Amnesty International “It was like Donald Trump had awakened a dormant volcano that was ready to erupt at any time; and I didn’t want to be a part of it” April 4 is Refugee Rights Day in Canada.  This is the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s...

Refugee Rights in a Climate of Fear

By Gloria Nafziger: Refugee Coordinator Amnesty International “It was like Donald Trump had awakened a dormant volcano that was ready to erupt at any time; and I didn’t want to be a part of it” April 4 is Refugee Rights Day in Canada.  This is the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s...

Syria: Six years of conflict

“I was beaten with cables and told to kneel before a picture of Bashar Al-Assad.” Former detainee Abu al-Najem Six years of crisis in Syria, which began after anti-government protests erupted in March 2011, have been marred by horror and bloodshed. Parties to the conflict continued to...

#TrumpWatch: Stand Up for Human Rights

Amnesty International has long advocated for human rights to be respected, protected, and fulfilled in the United States. Since President Trump took office last month, the US government has rapidly taken actions that weaken human right proctections.  Canadians have joined record numbers of people...

‘Politics of demonization’ breeding division and fear

RELEASED  WEDNESDAY 22 FEBRUARY 2017 (00.01 GMT)          Amnesty International releases its Annual Report for 2016 to 2017            Risk of domino effect as powerful states backtrack on human rights commitments            Salil Shetty, head of the global movement,...