383 results for 'canada refugees'

4 Ways to Take Action for Syria

By Amnesty International Canada Staff Thank you to the hundreds of thousands of Amnesty International supporters worldwide who took action so quickly to urge safety and protection for the civilians trapped last week in Aleppo. Our voice helped put serious pressure on key governments and the UN...

How can you use social media to fight for human rights?

Did You Know That Your Social Media Has the Power to End Human Rights Abuses?   These days, many government bodies and heads of states have Twitter accounts and Facebook pages. Some of these state authorities are the same once who have the power to end the human rights abuses at hand in this...

I Welcome: Global Refugee Campaign

We share our world, and we share responsibility for making it the kind of place we want to live in. This includes responsibility for protecting each other’s human rights and freedom. Right now, record numbers of people worldwide have been forced to flee their homes. But instead of protecting...

It is time for a human rights based approach to national security

By Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada.  Human rights or security?  In Canada and around the world the debate rages on; but it is an utterly false debate.  We must, finally and firmly, reject the assumption and assertion that more of one necessarily leads to less of the...

Immigration Detention: No Life for a Child

By Hanna Gros Canada prides itself as a place where immigrants and refugees are welcome — a safe haven strengthened by its diversity, where multiculturalism flourishes. Canada also prides itself as a defender of human rights at home and abroad. Canadians played an important role in drafting...

Immigration Detention: No Life for a Child

By Hanna Gros Canada prides itself as a place where immigrants and refugees are welcome — a safe haven strengthened by its diversity, where multiculturalism flourishes. Canada also prides itself as a defender of human rights at home and abroad. Canadians played an important role in drafting...

Feyisa Lilesa sheds light on abuses in Ethiopia

By Gloria Nafziger: Refugee and Migrant Rights Coodinator On August 21, as Silver medalist Feyisa Lilesa finished a marathon at the Rio Olympics, he crossed his arms above his head in a gesture of solidarity with the Oromo people in Ethiopia. He is reported as saying, “The Ethiopian government is...

Amnesty In Action for detained prisoner Narges Mohammadi

By Gloria Nafziger, Amnesty International Canada’s Campaigner for Iran , Where would you spend a Sunday in July? , On Sunday July 17, the members of Amnesty International’s TriCities Group in Coquitlam BC chose to stand in solidarity with Iranian prisoner of conscience, Narges Mohammadi ,...