383 results for 'canada refugees'

Op-Ed: Getting back on the human rights track

By: Alex Neve and Béatrice Vaugrante Published on Fri Jan 02 2015 in the Toronto Star No doubt about it, 2014 has been a tough year for human rights. As we look ahead into 2015, with a federal election sometime in the next 10 months, it is time to turn things around. That means addressing...

Bill C-24: New law to have negative impact on Canadian citizenship

by Gloria Nafziger , Campaigner, Refugees and Migrants , Amnesty International Canada , On June 19, the federal government passed Bill C-24, a new law which reportedly is designed to “Strengthen Canadian Citizenship”. Amnesty International believes the bill has serious human rights flaws. ,...

Toronto regional meeting inspires Amnesty members

, by Elena Dumitru, Regional Activism Coordinator , On Saturday June 14th Amnesty International Toronto Organization (AITO) had its Regional Meeting and the day was a special one in very many ways! , The day featured a packed and varied agenda from workshops on a variety of Amnesty International...

Syrians struggling to begin new lives in Istanbul

By Anna Shea, Legal Adviser on Refugee and Migrant Rights at Amnesty International. What struck me most when I met Zeinah (not her real name), a 29-year-old Syrian refugee in Turkey, were her warm personality and marvelous smile. But her past and present experiences give her precious little to...

Doors Open to Maran but Closed to so Many Others

By Gloria Nafziger, Refugee, Migrants and Country Campaigner Maran was a journalist and owned his own media company in a country riddled with conflict. Believing that the media was a tool that he could use, he wanted to tell the story of his people to the world.  Telling these stories was a way to...

Hamid is home: Others are not

By Gloria Nafziger, Campaigner, Refugees and Migrants On Thursday October 10, Hamid Ghassemi Shall came home to Canada.  Hamid Ghassemi-Shall spent the past 5- ½ years in Iran’s notorious Evin prison, on charges of espionage, and faced the death penalty.  He was released from prison September...

Saving Hamid Ghassemi-Shall from Execution

by Gloria Nafziger Campaigner for human rights of refugees and migrants Take action now for Hamid   Antonella Mega (centre) and members of Amnesty’s Iran Action Circle in Toronto call for the freedom of Antonella’s husband, Hamid Ghassemi-Shall, a Canadian on death row in Iran.   Antonella...

Mexico not a safe country for tens of thousands of people

Shockingly on 14 February 2013, Canada declared Mexico to be a so-called “safe” country of origin. This means that anyone making a refugee claim from Mexico, is subjected to a fast track refugee process and will not be able to appeal a negative decision. He or she can be returned to Mexico...

Mexico not a safe country for tens of thousands of people

Shockingly on 14 February 2013, Canada declared Mexico to be a so-called “safe” country of origin. This means that anyone making a refugee claim from Mexico, is subjected to a fast track refugee process and will not be able to appeal a negative decision. He or she can be returned to Mexico...