67 results for 'grassy narrows'

Grassy Narrows

Water is the Heart of Grassy Narrows

My name is Nora Sneaky. I’m 15 years old and I’m from Grassy Narrows. Grassy is the only home I’ve ever known, and it’s a home I love. Grassy teaches me so much: it teaches me about the land, animals, and our Anishinaabe culture. But being from Grassy Narrows has also taught me that...
Grassy Narrows

Grassy Narrows: We must mobilize to end the toxic divide

In the coming weeks and months, Amnesty will be doing everything we can to support the people of Grassy Narrows to finally achieve the justice they deserve. The youth-led campaign for mercury justice is one of the focal cases of this year’s global Write for Rights campaign, marking the beginning...
Grassy Narrows

A crucial moment for justice for Grassy Narrows

Young people from Grassy Narrows are travelling to Toronto for a massive rally on June 20th to focus attention to urgency of addressing the crisis of mercury poisoning facing their First Nation. Amnesty International is urging its members and supporters to do all they can to help this vital and...