410 results for 'iran'

Distant but Together: Activism in the Time of COVID-19

News about COVID-19 in Canada and around the world is at the forefront of all our minds. While we are and should be engaging in physical distancing from each other, now more than ever is the time for social solidarity.   COVID-19 will have serious human rights impacts that are only just emerging...

USA: Efforts to Revive the Muslim Ban are Atrocious

Spokespeople are available in New York and Washington, D.C. Responding to reports that the Trump administration is expanding what has become known as the Muslim ban, which President Trump signed during his first week in office, Margaret Huang, Amnesty International USA’s executive director said:...

Canada, human rights and a new decade: time to dig deeper than ever

When it comes to human rights there is much relief leaving the turbulent 2010s behind. But we face enormous challenges in the decade ahead. Here are eight ways that Canada can champion human rights in the 2020s. First step is to adopt overdue legislation making the United Nations Declaration on...

A resolution for a new decade: put human rights first

As 2020 dawns, we face consequential times for human-rights protection around the world. If ever there was a need for a resolution for a new decade, this is it: put human rights first. A tumultuous decade of widespread conflict and demonizing politics is wrapping up; far too much war, alongside the...

In a dangerous world, human rights have been winning all year

With inequality, injustice and hate speech seemingly ever more prevalent across the globe, you’d be forgiven for thinking 2019 has been a bad year for human rights. Yet, we have also seen some significant wins. Activists the world over have been galvanised to stand up and fight for our human...

Human rights battlegrounds of the decade

From uprisings across the Arab world and the rise of global protest movements, to the resurgence of the politics of hate, and concerns over the misuse of big data and surveillance technology, the 2010s have opened up new frontiers in the fight for our rights. Politics of demonisation One of the...

Showing Up for Human Rights in 2019

  “This is one of those times; one of those moments in history.  You either show up or you prepare to face your conscience.” That was how an over-stretched immigration lawyer — who moved to Brownsville, Texas to join volunteers responding to Donald Trump’s assault on the...