410 results for 'iran'

Write for Rights

Tweet for #Write4Rights 2019

Join activists around the world this Human Rights Day for a letter-writing marathon on Twitter and Instagram. Write for Rights is the world’s largest human rights events and on Human Rights Day we want the world to see how far and wide the campaign reaches, and all the great work we do to change...

Nearly 6 million messages of support for brave women around the world

Each year, the world’s biggest human rights event just gets bigger. Write for Rights 2018 was no exception, with people writing millions of messages that transformed the lives of women activists worldwide. They came in their dozens, hundreds, even thousands. They were students, parents, teachers,...

Leave a Gift in Your Will

What is legacy giving? Legacy giving is a way of making a charitable gift to charities or non-profit organizations in your last Will and testament. It can be a legacy gift in your Will (or a charitable bequest) or a percentage of your assets. It could also include naming a charity of choice as an...

Death Penalty

Why capital punishment should be abolished? The death penalty violates human rights. The right to life and the right not to be subject to cruel or inhumane treatment or punishment are fundamental rights enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To read more about...

What You Can Do

Together, we are a powerful force demanding that everyone’s human rights be protected.

Good news: Saeed Malekpour arrives home in Canada

On August 2, Maryam Malekpour was finally reunited with her brother Saeed in Vancouver after she had campaigned tirelessly for 11 years to free him from prison in Iran. “The nightmare is finally over!” Maryam wrote on Twitter. “Together we prevailed.” Maryam thanked “every single person...