410 results for 'iran'

Iran Death Penalty

Iran: Protestor at risk of execution

Mojahed (Abbas) Kourkouri is at grave risk of execution in relation to nationwide protests. In early April 2023, Iran’s judiciary announced that a Revolutionary Court in Ahvaz had sentenced Mojahed to death for “enmity against God” (moharebeh), “corruption on earth” (efsad-e fel arz) and...

Iran executions: Prisons turned into killing fields

Iranian authorities have executed at least 173 people convicted of drug-related offences this year after systematically unfair trials, nearly three times more than this time last year, Amnesty International said today. Iran executions for drug-related offences make up two thirds of all the...

Iran: At least 7 people face imminent execution

At least seven individuals in Iran are under sentence of death in connection with nationwide protests. Dozens of others are at risk of being sentenced to death. The authorities have violated their fair trial rights and subjected many to torture and other ill-treatment, including floggings, electric...

Iran: Six men from minority group at risk of execution

Six men – Ali Mojadam, Moein Khanfari, Mohammad Reza Moghadam, Salem Mousavi, Adnan Ghobeishavi and Habib Deris – from Iran’s persecuted Ahwazi Arab minority face imminent execution. A Revolutionary Court used their torture-tainted “confessions” to sentence them to death in February after...

Iran: Millions of schoolgirls at risk of poisoning

The rights to education, health and life of millions of schoolgirls are at risk amid ongoing chemical gas attacks deliberately targeting girls’ schools in Iran. Since November 2022, the attacks have left thousands of schoolgirls hospitalized. They presented with symptoms including coughing,...

Protect the Protest in Iran: the legacy of Mahsa Amini

The death in custody of Mahsa Amini at the hands of Iran’s “morality” police in September 2022 sparked a nationwide uprising that continues into 2023, with women and girls leading the call for change. Iranian authorities immediately launched a brutal crackdown, using live ammunition, metal...