410 results for 'iran'

The US War on Muslim Refugees

By Salil Shetty, Secretary General at Amnesty International The gloves are off. With today’s Executive Order on “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals,” President Donald J. Trump has declared war on Muslim refugees around the world.     With the stroke of a pen,...

Syria’s refugee crisis in numbers

Refugees in the region TAKE ACTION: Join Amnesty’s call to Syria, Iran and Russia to urgently protect civilians in Aleppo   ore than 4.8 million Syrian refugees are in just five countries Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt: Turkey hosts 2.7 million Syrian refugees, more than any...

33 reasons to be positive about 2016

By Amnesty International Staff It seems like wherever you look, people have written 2016 off as a terrible year. But thanks to you, we’ve found a lot to be positive about, too.  This year, you helped us free more than 650 people – that’s nearly two each day – from unfair and often abusive...

Aleppo is an alarm bell: the international system has failed

By Anna Neistat, Amnesty International’s senior director for research Seventeen years ago, Kofi Annan stood before the United Nations and apologized. The then-secretary-general acknowledged that the UN had failed the people of Rwanda during the 100-day genocide in which almost a million...