410 results for 'iran'

10 ways you help us respond to a crisis

During war and conflict, crisis researcher Joanne Mariner is the first on the ground to gather evidence of serious human rights crimes. She tells us how your support makes her life-changing work possible.    By Joanne Mariner, Crisis ResearcherAmnesty International   1. Training   Your...

12 ways to rebuild Canada’s human-rights record in 2016

Photo: Once consultations are complete, the inquiry into murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls should get underway. Meanwhile widely supported recommendations to help address this crisis can be implemented, such as increased funding for women’s shelters on reserves and better police...

Everyone matters: The struggle for human rights in 2015

Breakthroughs and heartbreak.  Perseverance and triumph.   2015 has reminded us that human rights struggles are very often for the long haul, but also that continuing to shine the Amnesty candle does bring change.  Justice does prevail.  By Alex Neve,Secretary General,...

In Bangladesh, blogging can get you killed

Charbak* who recently escaped Bangladesh after his name appeared on several kill lists, reflects on what the recent murder of Faisal Arefin Dipon and others means for the future of free thought in Bangladesh. I have come to tell you this with so much helplessness, suffering and agony in my heart....

A farewell to arms that fuel atrocities is within our grasp

By Marek Marczynski, Head of Amnesty International’s Military, Security and Police team at the International Secretariat. Follow Marek on Twitter @MarekMarczynski. You can also follow discussions and developments at the ATT Conference of States Parties on Twitter via the @AmnestyATT account. The...

Celebrate Canadian Human Rights Activism!

, Happy Canada Day! We mark today by celebrating amazing Canadians, from coast to coast, who are incredible human rights activists. , , Canadians across Canada organize events from flash mobs to book clubs, educate their communities on human rights issues, send solidarity to victims of human rights...

Top 10 death penalty myths

Amnesty International challenges what you think you know about capital punishment by debunking the top ten death penalty myths. Myth 1: Only evil people who have committed horrific crimes are executed FACT: The death penalty applies to a number of different crimes worldwide, not all of which are...

Doctors and torture: the difficulty of being ethical in unethical places

By Jacqueline Hansen, Major Campaigns and Women’s Rights Campaigner, in conversation with Dr. Donald Payne, Health Network Coordinator Toronto-based psychiatrist Dr. Donald Payne has treated survivors of torture for almost four decades, and has been Amnesty International Canada’s health network...

Op-Ed: Getting back on the human rights track

By: Alex Neve and Béatrice Vaugrante Published on Fri Jan 02 2015 in the Toronto Star No doubt about it, 2014 has been a tough year for human rights. As we look ahead into 2015, with a federal election sometime in the next 10 months, it is time to turn things around. That means addressing...

Human rights in 2014: Standing together and speaking out for human rights

  Don’t Let Down Your Guard:  Standing together and speaking out for human rights – Year end message to Amnesty International supporters from Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada There were so many reminders during 2014 of how deeply important solidarity is in our...