410 results for 'iran'


Mahsa Amini and the deadly crackdown on protests in Iran

World leaders at the UN General Assembly must support calls for the establishment of an independent international investigative and accountability mechanism to address the prevailing crisis of impunity in Iran. Their urgent need for action was demonstrated most recently by the death in custody of...

IRAN: LGBTI Defender Sentenced to Death

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 5/22 UODATE 1 BELOW Iranian LGBTI rights defender Zahra Sedighi-Hamadani and another woman, Elham Choubdar, were sentenced to death for “corruption on earth”. The women were targeted due to their real or perceived sexual orientation and/or gender identity and their social...

IRAN: Kurdish Dissident Forcibly Disappeared

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 81/22 BELOW Iran’s prosecution authorities and security and intelligence agents in West Azerbaijan Province have forcibly disappeared an Iranian Kurdish dissident, Edris Feqhi, since July 2021. He remains at risk of torture and other ill-treatment.   On 27 July 2021,...

IRAN: Intensified Assault on Baha’i Minority

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 76/22 BELOW Iran’s persecuted Baha’i minority are suffering escalated attacks on their human rights. Since 31 July 2022, the authorities have raided dozens of Baha’i houses, detained at least 30 people, and subjected many more to interrogations, electronic ankle bracelets...

IRAN: Tortured Students Jailed Unjustly

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 76/22 BELOW On 25 April 2022, a Revolutionary Court in Iran sentenced university students Ali Younesi and Amirhossein Moradi to 16 years in prison on spurious national security charges after a grossly unfair trial. Their convictions were based on “confessions” which both...

IRAN: Torturerd German-Iranian Facing Death Sentence

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 41/21, UPDATE 2 BELOW Iranian authorities have forcibly disappeared and are torturing Jamshid Sharmahd, a 67-year-old German-Iranian political dissident who is at risk of being sentenced to death for “corruption on earth” (efsad-e fel-arz) following a grossly unfair trial....

IRAN: Mother with Baby Denied Proper Care in Jail

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 65/22 BELOW Prosecution authorities and Ministry of Intelligence agents are denying arbitrarily detained Kurdish Iranian woman So’ada Khadirzadeh postnatal and post-surgical care after she gave birth on 20 June 2022 in hospital through a caesarean section operation. She is...

IRAN: Sick Political Activist Held Incommunicado

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 7/22 UPDATE 2 BELOW Iranian activist Abbas Vahedian has been detained incommunicado since 5 May 2022, when authorities in Vakilabad prison in Mashhad, Khorasan-e Razavi province, cut off his contact with the outside world. His incommunicado detention heightens longstanding...

IRAN: Health of Tortured Iranian Defender at Risk

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 105/15 UPDATE 10 BELOW Arbitrarily detained Iranian human rights defender Narges Mohammadi is being tortured and otherwise ill-treated in Shahr-e Rey prison in Varamin, outside Tehran, including by being intentionally denied the specialized healthcare she requires in reprisal...

IRAN: Finger Amputation Risk For Eight Prisoners

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 59/22 BELOW At least eight prisoners in Greater Tehran Penitentiary, Tehran province, are at grave risk of having their finger-amputation sentences carried out imminently. At least three of the men were convicted based on torture-tainted “confessions” following grossly...