410 results for 'iran'


IRAN: Execution Looms for Tortured Academic

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 38/17, UPDATE 7 BELOW Tortured Swedish-Iranian academic Ahmadreza Djalali, arbitrarily detained in Tehran’s Evin prison, is at risk of imminent execution according to multiple Iranian state media reports that his death sentence for “corruption on earth” (efsad-e fel-arz)...

IRAN: Activist Forcibly Disappeared for Months

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 39/22 BELOW Political activist Ebrahim Babaei was forcibly disappeared by Iranian authorities amidst his efforts to flee Iran on 21 December 2021 to escape unjust sentences consisting of imprisonment and flogging. His fate and whereabouts remain concealed from his family and he...

IRAN: Tortured Kurdish Men at Risk of Execution

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 19/22 BELOW Anwar Khezri, Ayoub Karimi, Davoud Abdollahi, Farhad Salimi, Ghassem Abesteh, Kamran Sheikheh and Khosrow Basharat, all from Iran’s Kurdish Sunni minority, are at risk of execution at Raha’i Shahr prison, near Tehran. They were convicted of “corruption on...

IRAN: Youth Arrested at 17 At Risk of Execution

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 83/21, UPDATE 2 BELOW Iranian youth Hossein Shahbazi is at risk of imminent execution for a crime that took place when he was 17 years old. His trial was marred by serious violations, including the use of torture-tainted “confessions”. On 24 November 2021, the Iranian...

Iran: Ill-Treated for Seeking Truth and Justice

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 94/21 Prisoner of conscience Maryam Akbari Monfared has been held in cruel and inhumane conditions in a distant prison in Semnan province far from her family since March 2021, in reprisal for her open letters condemning the Iranian authorities’ human rights violations and...

Iran: Tortured Protestors Jailed Unjustly

DOWNLOAD A PDF OF UA 66/21 HERE Iranian brothers Vahid Afkari and Habib Afkari are being subjected to renewed torture and other ill-treatment in Adelabad prison in Shiraz. Since September 2020, they have been held in windowless solitary confinement cells and denied access to adequate healthcare,...


Amnesty International continues to document serious human rights violations in Iran including detention of human rights defenders and other prisoners of conscience, unfair trials, torture and mistreatment in detention, deaths in custody and the application of the death penalty. Iran executes more...