37 results for 'niger delta'


The Hague: Esther Kiobel vows to continue her fight for justice

Human rights defender Esther Kiobel today lost her civil case against oil giant Shell, which she accuses of complicity in the 1995 execution of her husband by the Nigerian military government, but has promised to continue her campaign for justice. Esther has spent 27 years seeking justice for her...

Climate Justice

What is climate justice? Climate change is an issue of injustice, similar to how we think about other human rights violations. It is the result of a small group of powerful people taking actions that inflict harm on another group of people: the rest of us. The people who suffer the most are already...

“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts”

Coastei community in Romania receives some good news and shares words of thanks to Amnesty International letter-writers who spoke out against their forced removal from their homes. Amnesty International members wrote over 1.8 million letters on December 10th, for people like Claudia and her son...

Shell ruling a vital step toward justice for widows of the Ogoni 9

Ruling on Shell a ‘vital step towards justice’ for Nigerian widows On May 1, the District Court of The Hague, Netherlands, issued an interim ruling in the case brought by Esther Kiobel and three other women with regard to Shell’s involvement in the unlawful arrest, detention and...