705 results for 'protect the protest'

USA: Trump’s seven first steps to sabotage human rights

Since taking over at the White House, US President Donald Trump has wasted little time putting into action his poisonous campaign rhetoric. In his first couple of weeks in office, he pushed through a series of repressive executive orders that threaten the human rights of millions at home and...

Amnesty marched country-wide in support of women’s rights

By Jackie Hansen, Major Campaigns and Women’s Rights Campaigner, Amnesty Internatioanl Canada Amnesty yellow mingled with the Women’s March on Washington’s signature pink toques at solidarity marches from St. John’s to Victoria on Saturday, January 21. Amnesty supporters were...

USA: Trump and his administration must respect human rights

As Donald Trump takes the oath of office to become the 45th President of the United States, Amnesty International is pressing him and his administration to protect human rights in the USA and abroad.   “As president, Donald Trump must abandon the hateful rhetoric that riddled his campaign and...

33 reasons to be positive about 2016

By Amnesty International Staff It seems like wherever you look, people have written 2016 off as a terrible year. But thanks to you, we’ve found a lot to be positive about, too.  This year, you helped us free more than 650 people – that’s nearly two each day – from unfair and often abusive...

How can you use social media to fight for human rights?

Did You Know That Your Social Media Has the Power to End Human Rights Abuses?   These days, many government bodies and heads of states have Twitter accounts and Facebook pages. Some of these state authorities are the same once who have the power to end the human rights abuses at hand in this...

Rosmit Mantilla: detained for almost 1,000 days in Venezuela

By Yaridbel Licón and Victor Molina, Amnesty International Venezuela “I often woke up believing my strength was running out, believing I couldn’t keep going, and then I received photographs of Amnesty International human rights activists from all over the world requesting my freedom, respect...