705 results for 'protect the protest'

Gay Syrian refugee couple build a new future in Germany

By Lorna Hayes and Khairunissa Dhala from Amnesty’s refugee and migrants’ rights team at Amnesty’s International Secretariat Said and his partner Jamal – who is living with HIV – fled Syria after being tortured for their political activism. They are excited about starting a new life...

Deadly attacks risk casting a shadow over human rights in Tunisia

By Sara Hashash, Amnesty International’s MENA Press Officer, in Tunis. After the suicide attack on a bus carrying presidential guards in central Tunis last night, life in the capital seemed to return to normal today. The streets were full of people heading to work, children on their way to...

5 reasons why Prides matter

By Lesly Lila, London, UK As the 2015 Pride season ends, we look at why Pride events are still so important for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and activists across the world. 1. People are still attacked because of their real or perceived sexual orientation and...

A Saudi Arabian father’s urgent plea to see his son freed from death row

By Mohammed al-Nimr, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia Every time I enter and leave my house through our garage, a bicycle in the corner catches my eye, shining brightly.  Looking at that bicycle brings back painful memories of my young son Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, who has been sentenced to death and is...

Egypt frees Al Jazeera staff jailed for journalism

Media workers Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed are free. Just weeks after a court sentenced them to another three years in prison, Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has cut short the rest of their sentences and released them under a presidential pardon. For more than a year and a half they...

This is not the Canada I once knew

A sobering look at Canada’s human rights record By Alex Neve, Secretary-General of Amnesty International Canada  “This is not the Canada I once knew.”  Those were the words of a British member of the UN Human Rights Committee who was taking part this week in the committee’s first...

Celebrate Canadian Human Rights Activism!

, Happy Canada Day! We mark today by celebrating amazing Canadians, from coast to coast, who are incredible human rights activists. , , Canadians across Canada organize events from flash mobs to book clubs, educate their communities on human rights issues, send solidarity to victims of human rights...

5 brave ways activists are fighting for LGBTI rights worldwide

Around the world, people face violent attacks and threats simply because of who they are or who they have sex with. But some brave activists are still standing up for their rights. To mark the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT) on 17 May, we celebrate the...

Bill C-51 and the rush to insecurity for human rights

By Alex Neve, Amnesty International Canada’s Secretary General. Follow Alex on Twitter @AlexNeve Amnesty , The rushed passage through Parliament of Bill C-51, the furthest-reaching national security reforms in Canada since 2001, continues.  It is soon to be passed by the House of Commons and...

World Press Freedom Day: Shooting the messenger

When 12 people working at the satirical magazine Charlie Hedbo were gunned down at their offices in central Paris in January, the world woke up to the grim reality of the threats thousands of media professionals face daily. The global campaigns of support for the magazine’s work sent the...