708 results for 'protect the protest'


Iran: Six men from minority group at risk of execution

Six men – Ali Mojadam, Moein Khanfari, Mohammad Reza Moghadam, Salem Mousavi, Adnan Ghobeishavi and Habib Deris – from Iran’s persecuted Ahwazi Arab minority face imminent execution. A Revolutionary Court used their torture-tainted “confessions” to sentence them to death in February after...

Uganda: President must veto anti-LGBT legislation

On May 02, Uganda’s Parliament passed the 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Bill and sent it back to President Yoweri Museveni. The President has until May 31 to either sign, veto or return the Bill back to Parliament. The Bill criminalizes consensual same-sex conduct and has retained the death penalty in...

Iran: Millions of schoolgirls at risk of poisoning

The rights to education, health and life of millions of schoolgirls are at risk amid ongoing chemical gas attacks deliberately targeting girls’ schools in Iran. Since November 2022, the attacks have left thousands of schoolgirls hospitalized. They presented with symptoms including coughing,...