707 results for 'protect the protest'

Uganda: Drop absurd charges against academic Stella Nyanzi

The Ugandan authorities must immediately drop charges against radical academic Stella Nyanzi and put a stop to the charade that has seen her spend weeks in jail, Amnesty International said today as her case finally went to trial. The charges levelled against Stella Nyanzi under the Computer Misuse...

What are human rights?

It’s a big question, but someone’s got to ask it. At this year’s Human Rights Defenders World Summit in Paris, France, Amnesty asked 11 prominent activists about the essence of human rights. Here’s what they said… Anielle Franco, Brazil Anielle is a teacher, journalist and activist. She...

2018: The year in human rights

  Over the last year, almost seven million Amnesty International supporters have taken action – protesting, writing, petitioning and much more – to defend and advance human rights everywhere. It’s had a huge impact. People who have been unfairly imprisoned have been released. Laws...

It’s time to calm down about the UN Global Compact for Migration

By Alex Neve and Aditya Rao. Published on Ipolitics Dec 10, 2018 10:34am ‘Some countries under pressure from anti-immigrant and anti-refugee groups are choosing not to endorse the agreement. How disheartening to hear similar sentiments in Canada.’ The UN headquarters in New York....