705 results for 'protect the protest'

Your words really did change lives

Write for someone’s life: SIGN UP TODAY FOR WRITE FOR RIGHTS Last year Amnesty supporters across the world wrote an astonishing 3.7 million letters, messages, emails, tweets and much more as part of Write for Rights. From Afghanistan to Zambia, dedicated campaigners, students, school kids...

We Defend the Land with Our Blood

Everyday across the globe, men, women and youth speak out in defence of the land and environment. They defend our planet and thanks to their work, we have clean air to breathe and water to drink.But in countries such as Guatemala and Honduras, territory, land and environmental rights defenders...

Human rights victory in the struggle to #MakeMuskratRight

In an extraordinary victory for Indigenous rights and environmental protection, the government of Newfoundland and Labrador has agreed to measures to reduce immediate risks to Inuit health and culture from the Muskrat Falls dam. Following almost two weeks of protests, including a hunger strike,...

It is time for a human rights based approach to national security

By Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada.  Human rights or security?  In Canada and around the world the debate rages on; but it is an utterly false debate.  We must, finally and firmly, reject the assumption and assertion that more of one necessarily leads to less of the...

Feyisa Lilesa sheds light on abuses in Ethiopia

By Gloria Nafziger: Refugee and Migrant Rights Coodinator On August 21, as Silver medalist Feyisa Lilesa finished a marathon at the Rio Olympics, he crossed his arms above his head in a gesture of solidarity with the Oromo people in Ethiopia. He is reported as saying, “The Ethiopian government is...

A miscarriage of justice in Argentina: #FreeBelen

  Fernanda Doz Costa, researcher on the Americas, reports from a protest outside a court in Argentina where “Belen” returns after being sentenced to eight years following a miscarriage. It was cold and grey the morning I arrived outside the courthouse in Tucumán city, northwest Argentina....

Egypt’s courageous few fighting for human rights

By Mohamed Lotfy, Executive director of the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms and former researcher for Amnesty International.  Never before in my 10-year career has working on human rights in Egypt been so dangerous.  Today in Egypt, human rights activists, lawyers, political activists...