708 results for 'protect the protest'


Mexico’s Government Must Protect Journalists, Not Endanger Them

By Duncan Tucker, Amnesty International’s Americas Media Coordinator Monday 9 November was a sad day for Mexican journalism. That morning, the reporter Israel Vázquez Rangel was investigating a crime scene in Salamanca, a small industrial city in the central state of Guanajuato, when armed...

Will our right to protest ever be fully returned?

By Marco Peronlini, Amnesty International researcher. Follow Marco on Twitter @esteban80paris A year ago, monitoring the G7 protests in Biarritz, I was kettled for more than two hours by police under a baking sun. The following day, I was almost choked by tear gas in Bayonne. What I experienced...

Rohingya refugees need protection of their rights now more than ever

By Saad Hammadi, South Asia Campaigner, Amnesty International. Follow Saad on Twitter @saadhammadi Rahima Khatun*, a Rohingya woman, was dragged by the authorities to an isolation facility soon after someone with the same name as hers tested positive for COVID-19 in one of the refugee camps in...

Pride 2020: taking the protest online

Here’s how you can learn more and take action in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and two-spirit rights while practicing social distancing. Check out what’s happening in your community With public events being cancelled around the world, most Pride organizing committees...

USA: President Trump tramples right to protest

Responding to remarks by President Donald Trump today in the Rose Garden, Ernest Coverson, the End Gun Violence campaign manager at Amnesty International USA said: “The violence that can no longer be ignored is the violence committed against Black lives by the police. The real disgrace is the...