90 results for 'syrian refugee crisis'

Human rights in 2014: Standing together and speaking out for human rights

  Don’t Let Down Your Guard:  Standing together and speaking out for human rights – Year end message to Amnesty International supporters from Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada There were so many reminders during 2014 of how deeply important solidarity is in our...

Honouring Journalist James Foley

Syria is a Dangerous Place for Journalists – But Here’s Why We Need Them There by Geoffrey Mock, Egypt country specialist and chair of the Middle East County Specialist, Amnesty USA. After three years of the Syrian uprising, it often appears like the world is tuning out. Deaths continue on a...

Doors Open to Maran but Closed to so Many Others

By Gloria Nafziger, Refugee, Migrants and Country Campaigner Maran was a journalist and owned his own media company in a country riddled with conflict. Believing that the media was a tool that he could use, he wanted to tell the story of his people to the world.  Telling these stories was a way to...

Welcoming Syria’s war-weary

By Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Programme Director at Amnesty’s International Secretariat in London, England As the humanitarian and human rights crisis caused by Syria’s internal armed conflict shows no signs of abating, two important announcements made this week help us to...