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Libya: Release activist detained over social media post

On January 13, 2024, the Internal Security Agency (ISA) arrested activist and blogger Maryam Mansour al-Warfalli. also known as “Nakhla Fezzan.” The ISA, which is linked to the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF), summoned Maryam also known as “Nakhla Fezzan” to their Sabha office in southern Libya for questioning. Without a warrant, they arrested her after she criticized how the LAAF was handling cooking gas distribution in the region. Maryam has been held at the ISA headquarters in Benghazi for nearly eight months, without being charged.

Here’s what you can do:

Write to the General Commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF) urging him to:

  • Immediately release Maryam Mansour al-Warfalli and all others arbitrarily detained.
  • Ensure that while detained, Maryam Mansour al-Warfalli has access to her family, a lawyer, and necessary medical care.
  • End the repression of critics and opponents, including politicians, activists, poets, and bloggers.
  • Protect the rights of all individuals to peacefully express their views without fear of retaliation.

Write to:

Field Marshal Khalifa Belqasim Haftar

General Commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF)

Email : pmoffice@libyangov.info  

Salutation: Dear Field Marshal Khalifa Belqasim Haftar,

And copy:


Counsellor & Chargé d’affaires, a.i.

Embassy of Libya

170 Avenue Laurier West, 1100

Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5

Tel: 613-842-7519 Fax: 613-842-8627

Email: assistant@embassyoflibya.ca ; info@embassyoflibya.ca

Libya’s divided control

Libya is currently split between two rival factions. The Government of National Unity (GNU) controls Tripoli and much of western Libya, while the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF) maintain control over eastern and southern regions. Both entities claim legitimacy and seek to govern the country.

Concerns over human rights violtions

On August 20, 2024, 60 Libyan political parties voiced their concerns about widespread arbitrary detentions, kidnappings, and enforced disappearances. They condemned the growing repression of civil society and activists, a trend seen across Libya.

The House of Representatives (HoR) approved a 2024 budget of LYD 179 billion (CAD 49.92 billion) on July 10, 2024, for the parallel government allied with the LAAF. The budget directs funds to several armed groups, including the Internal Security Agency (ISA), despite their documented involvement in human rights abuses.

The ISA’s role in repression

The Internal Security Agency (ISA), under the control of the LAAF, has been involved in serious human rights abuses, including arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, and torture. The ISA collaborates with other LAAF-affiliated armed groups, all reporting to one top commander, Ousama Al-Dressi, since November 2022. Meanwhile, a separate ISA operates in western Libya under GNU leadership, led by Lotfi al-Harari.

Please take action as soon as possible until December 31, 2024! The UA will be duly updated should there be the need for further action.