How to: Fundraise

Raising money isn’t only incredibly important to make sure we exist to keep campaigning for human rights – it can also be lots of fun! Plus, planning your budget can save you a LOT of time later on.
Here are a few simple questions to help you get started.

Why Do We Have to Raise Money?

The money we raise goes towards:

  • The letters you mail
  • The newsletters, campaign packages, and more that is sent to you
  • Researching the cases that we take on as an organization

How Much Do We Need to Raise?

This depends on how large and how active your group is. Existing groups might have an old budget that can give you an idea of operating expenses. If you’re just starting out, here are some things to include:

We encourage groups and clubs to donate at least $50 each year to help pay for postage, printing and development, and all the excellent support you receive from AI Canada.

Mailing letters can add up, especially for very active groups or members. Keep that in mind!

Is there a rental cost for the place where you hold your meetings? Do you serve snacks or use audiovisual equipment?
Take the cost of an average meeting an multiply it by the number of meetings you expect to have, with a little bit extra for any major annual meetings you hold.

This might include photocopying and printing costs for things like newsletters, flyers, and posters.

This includes the cost of all the “props” you’ll need (signs, placards, posters) and any other costs like rentals or refreshments.

You can obtain many resources for free from the Amnesty National
Office, just ask! However, there may be posters, videos, or other
materials that you need to buy on your own.

Will you send members to conferences to meetings, such as AI Canada’s
Human Rights College or the Annual General Meeting? Or will you bring
speakers to talk to your group at an event? You’ll need to think about
travel expenses.

At the end of the semester or year, you may wish to thank your members
and volunteers for all of their hard work, as well as celebrate your
group’s successes.

What Resources Do You Already Have?

MATERIALS: Access to free meeting spaces? Art supplies? A photocopier? Funding from your student council/union?

HUMAN: What are your strengths and abilities? (eg. If you have a member who is a great baker, host a bake sale!)

NETWORK: What relationships do you have with other people and
organizations? Do you have helpful connections —
business people, entertainers, politicians, other activists or clubs?


Amnesty International accepts no government funding in order to remain impartial, which means all of our work is sponsored by our members and donors. Try to involve fundraising in everything you do — all of your efforts will help us continue conducting research and coordinating activism!


50 Ways to Raise Money for Human Rights