The Youth Media award is part of the annual Amnesty Canada Media Awards. The media awards are presented for excellence in journalism and honor the efforts of journalists to increase Canadian’s awareness and understanding of human rights.
The Youth Media Award is for a student journalist aged 25 and under, who has covered a human rights related story with an emphasis on the impact of young people. There are tow award categories, one for Secondary School Students and one for Post-Secondary School Students.
The competition is open to any student within Canada, who has had an article published or a piece broadcast or posted in a recognized student media outlet during the period of October 1, 2018 to March 15, 2019. This could include print, audio/visual or online publications. Applications are due March 15, 2019.
The winner will be announced in April 2019. The prize is $500. The winner will also receive an Amnesty International Canada Youth Media Award Certificate at the annual Amnesty International Canada Media Award event.
If you are interested or would like further information, send us an email at youth@amnesty.ca