Can you imagine Mohamed Fahmy’s dread as 15 Egyptian security officers burst into his Cairo hotel room? Or his pain in solitary confinement? He was surrounded by insects and the freezing cold, without sunlight, exercise or care for his injuries.
It’s hard to imagine the journalist’s desperation as he stood in court accused of terrorism, a scapegoat in the Egyptian regime’s crackdown on free speech. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison.
When Mohamed had all but given up hope, international pressure finally resulted in his presidential pardon.
“I will never forget the moment I landed in Canada with my wife on the morning of Thanksgiving. These were moments I literally dreamt of many times in the darkness of my cold dingy cell,” said Mohamed.
Today, Mohamed works tirelessly to expose human rights violations. And he’s passionate about supporting Amnesty International.
“If you ever doubt that these campaigns make a difference, I am living proof that they do. It’s why I’m free. Together, we need to make sure Amnesty flourishes and remains there for all of us.”
— Mohamed Fahmy, Journalist
Mohammed Fahmy isn’t alone.
Amnesty International has long campaigned against unjust imprisonment, torture, and other human rights violations. Whether it’s for equal and fair treatment of Uyghur Muslims in China, Palestinians living under Israeli apartheid, or for Rohingya refugees displaced from their homes, Amnesty International is committed to creating a better future.
We believe every person should enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.
So what can you do?
By becoming a monthly donor, you join more than 10 million supporters of Amnesty International around the world. Please take action now to stop human rights violations. Together, we can help those whose human rights are threatened, like Mohammed Fahmy.
Many countries claim to care about human rights, but there’s a big asterisk next to those claims. Support human rights for all! Support Amnesty International Canada today.
Amnesty International Canada
This Ramadan, consider donating to Amnesty International Canada to help us fight for human rights worldwide. Join us in fighting unjust imprisonment, torture, and other human rights violations.
Members of Amnesty International in Canada campaign on human rights in the Americas and in a number of other countries where the actions of the Canadian government and of Canadians can have the greatest impact.
For full details on Amnesty International’s human rights advocacy and research work in countries and regions around the world, please visit our global website.