388 results for 'canada refugees'


Amnesty International was represented in this case by Michael Bossin, Chantal Tie, and Laïla Demirdache. WHAT IS THIS CASE ABOUT? Mr. Ezokola had a long career working as a financial […]


Amnesty International was represented in this case by Jennifer Klinck, Perri Ravon, Justin Dubois, and Michael Sabet. WHAT IS THIS CASE ABOUT? Mr. Febles was a Cuban refugee living in […]

#RefugeesWelcomeHere! Canadians want to do more

Sixty-six percent (66%) of Canadian respondents say our government should do more to help refugees fleeing war or persecution.  Younger Canadians are much more likely to think that their government […]

FACT or FICTION: Social assistance for refugees

  A poison pen letter has been circulating through e-mail and social media for several years now, which falsely claims that refugees receive significantly more income assistance than Canadian pensioners.  […]

14 Facts about Refugees

, Take the Refugees Welcome Here Pledge!  , ,   ,   , Refugee protection is enjoying a renaissance in Canada, with the generous response of people across the country […]

Why refugees continue to use smugglers

“You have to understand that no one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land,” writes Warsan Shire, a Somali-British poet.  On Friday, March […]