383 results for 'canada refugees'

Canadian Refugee Champion: Abraham’s Children Together’s Story

Written By Rabbi Stephen Wise  TAKE THE REFUGEES WELCOME HERE PLEDGE     Muslims, Christians and Jews joined hands in Oakville, Ontario forming“ACT: Abraham’s Children Together” in recognition of their common heritage in the Prophet Abraham and love and compassion for all of...

Canadian Refugee Champion: John Carlaw’s Story

Written by John Carlaw TAKE THE REFUGEES WELCOME HERE PLEDGE     As a Canadian citizen living on colonized lands who has had the privilege to work with, know and learn from many refugees, I am motivated to see Canada do much better for refugees and other migrants. We too often fail to justly...

Canadian Refugee Champions: Louise Simbandumwe’s story

Written by Louise Simbandumwe TAKE THE REFUGEES WELCOME HERE PLEDGE     I became a refugee in 1972 — the day my mother received a letter informing her that her family members had been killed in massacres that claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people in Burundi.  My parents were...

Canadian Refugee Champion: Justin Taylor’s Story

  TAKE THE REFUGEES WELCOME HERE PLEDGE     “I am proud to open Canada’s doors to those fleeing grave human rights abuses. I will strive to keep Canada’s doors open now and into the future. I will challenge and rebut negative stereotypes about refugees. I will support speedy reunification...

Everyone matters: The struggle for human rights in 2015

Breakthroughs and heartbreak.  Perseverance and triumph.   2015 has reminded us that human rights struggles are very often for the long haul, but also that continuing to shine the Amnesty candle does bring change.  Justice does prevail.  By Alex Neve,Secretary General,...

Time for Europe to end the refugee shame

By Gauri van Gulik, Deputy Europe Director at Amnesty International. Follow Gauri on Twitter @GaurivanGulik. A solemn moment of silence. The world over, this is the traditional response when lives are cut short by tragedy. It has also been a common response to tragedies in Europe and off its shores...

Luis Alberto Mata: One Less Life in Limbo

On Thursday May 21, Luis Alberto Mata became a permanent resident in Canada.  A month earlier, with support from Amnesty International, Luis launched a campaign, No Lives in Limbo calling on the Minister of Public Safety and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to grant him permanent status....

No Lives in Limbo

By Gloria Nafziger Refugee, Migrants and Country Campaigner, Amnesty International I first met Luis and his family shortly after they arrived in Canada sometime in 1993.  He was a writer and human rights activist from Colombia.  Both he and his wife Diana had been targeted in Colombia because of...

The Mediterranean migrant crisis – The view from Senegal

“On the eve of his departure, he called me so that I could pray for him. After he spoke to me, he told his wife and two children that he was about to leave Libya for Italy. Unfortunately, the next call we got was from his brother who told us that he had perished at […]

Doctors and torture: the difficulty of being ethical in unethical places

By Jacqueline Hansen, Major Campaigns and Women’s Rights Campaigner, in conversation with Dr. Donald Payne, Health Network Coordinator Toronto-based psychiatrist Dr. Donald Payne has treated survivors of torture for almost four decades, and has been Amnesty International Canada’s health network...