707 results for 'protect the protest'

We have come far and have far to go still 

35 years ago, on a wintry evening in early 1985, I attended my first Amnesty International meeting.    I had just begun studying law at Dalhousie University in Halifax, with an entirely unformed notion of becoming a lawyer pursuing social change. I had seen an intriguing notice on a...

Breonna Taylor Case Underscores Need for Real Police Reform

Responding to the decision in the Breonna Taylor case today, Kristina Roth, the Senior Program Officer for Criminal Justice Programs at Amnesty International USA, said: “Breonna Taylor’s death is a tragedy. She was asleep in her bed when the police busted down her door and recklessly opened...

#StopArmingSaudi: Day of Action for Peace

The next Day of Action to stop the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia will take place on September 21st, 2020, the International Day of Peace. Hundreds of people from across Canada will come together – both virtually and in-person – to show their support for an immediate end to the Saudi arms...